Learners at Acton Academy spend one-full day
each week in nature at our Forest School.
We believe that:
Nature is an essential part of childhood.
Not only is it good for their soul, but it's important for kids to take risks, build resilience, and gain confidence in their abilities. Nature provides a source of wonder and inspiration for kids and it's important to realize and respect that the world is bigger than they are.
There is overwhelming research that shows the benefits of nature, among them are:
Physical Benefits
Physical Exercise (improved fitness & lower BMI)
Boosted Immune System (increased expression of white blood cells)
Improved Vision; Lower Rates of Myopia 'Nearsightedness' (esp. in young children with developing eyes)
Increased Levels of Anti-Cancer Proteins
Lower Blood Pressure
Decreased Inflammation
Heightened Motor Control: Balance, Coordination, Agility
Fewer Accidents (i.e. falling)
More Adept in Assessing Risk
Emotional & Intellectual Benefits
Stress Relief: Decrease in Stress Hormone Cortisol
Fosters Moral Development
Improved Self-Awareness & Self-Identity
Increased Resiliency
Improved Critical Thinking Skills
Increased Concentration & Creativity
Improved Short-Term Memory
Increased Relevancy when Learning (esp Science)
Helps Children with Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
Helps with Sensitivity Issues
At Acton Academy Kennebunkport students will spend one day a week at an off-site outdoor program.
Students will:
Be immersed in nature with guides that are knowledgeable & passionate about nature
Spend all day outside regardless of weather & prove their resiliency with a smile after a rainy day
Develop a love and respect for nature
Learn about the natural environment
Engage all of their senses
Build wilderness skills
Build community
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
- John Muir