by Michael Stack January 4, 2021

At Acton Academy, one of our core beliefs is that children learn most from failure and overcoming challenges.  We say kids should fail “early, cheaply, and often.”  This is because they will realize incredible lessons that are only learned from falling flat on their face. As they grow and the stakes get higher, they won’t be so afraid of failure or experiencing setbacks and will be open to trying new things or pursuing a passion.

As our world is looking forward to recovering from a challenging year, I’m reflecting that it’s so much easier to SAY we learn from failure and challenges than actually to embrace this mindset. This is especially true when you are experiencing a challenging time, either personally or professionally.

As we embark on a new year, where are you on a scale of 1-10 of embracing the mindset that every challenge or failure has an equal and opposite benefit or opportunity?

1 = Terrified of Making a Mistake or to Experience Any Difficulty

10 = Fully Embrace a Growth Mindset

Moving higher up the scale creates more success and happiness, plus makes us better leaders for our children. What can you do to move up one notch on the scale?