by Michael Stack March 3, 2021

The story of Ada's Violin is about resiliency, creativity, and persistence; qualities that I think all would agree are important to success. The book was written with a focus on a young girl named Ada whose family lives in poverty near the edge of a large garbage dump. 

When Ada's grandmother signs her up for music lessons, the need to be creative emerges as the family did not have any instruments. They work together and build instruments entirely from parts found at the garbage dump.

The best part about the story is it's true.  The Recycled Orchestra tours today enchanting audiences with the music and spirit! 

Share The Story with Your Family

Here are a few links to learn more and share this story with your family.

Book: Ada's Violin

Film: Landfill Harmonic

The Recycled Orchestra

Acton Eagles Take Inspiration

Recently the Eagles of Acton Academy took inspiration from this story and made some music of our own.