
Real World Application

Our philosophy is deeply rooted in learning through real-world application. Real World Heros We are always appreciative for real world heroes who will take the time to come and talk with our
by Kori Stack

Bias to Action

In the book, Designing Your Life, the authors discuss bias to action as being one of the most important mindsets of a designer. Committed To Building Your Way Forward “When you have
by Kori Stack

Finding a Calling

Finding a calling sounds really cool, but it's often not easy to do.  You often need to kiss a lot of frogs before finding your prince. Is it Architecture? This session, our
by Kori Stack

Make Learning Relevant & Fun

We don't do report cards at Acton Academy.  Learners at our school demonstrate what they have learned at an Exhibition of Learning. Top Chef Competition Last week our Middle School learners competed
by Kori Stack

Kids Are Capable of So Much

A huge congratulations to the amazing young entrepreneurs who joined us on Saturday for our 3rd annual Acton Children’s Business Fair! Come Up With Own Ideas, Create Own Products These kidpreneurs came
by Kori Stack